Caution was also taken near reflective surfaces, since. Excessive gingival pigmentation is a major esthetic concern for many people. Gingival pigmentation results from melanin granules which are produced by melanoblasts. Esthetic or cosmetic dentistry strives to merge function and beauty with the values. Gingival depigmentation is a periodontal plastic procedure which has been carried out by various techniques. Pdf split mouth gingival depigmentation using blade and. A case is reported here in which a simple and effective surgical depigmentation was performed without the use of any sophisticated instruments or apparatus. A comparative evaluation of the gingival depigmentation by using tetrafluoroethane cryosurgery and the gingival abrasion technique 2 years of follow up. Gingival hyperpigmentation usually occurs due to the abnormal accumulation of melanin in the gingival tissue and confers a dark appearance to the gingiva.
Development in techniques for gingival depigmentation an update. Cryosurgery has been tried with satisfactory results for gingival depigmentation. Laser ablation for gingival depigmentation has been recognized as one of the most effective, pleasant, and reliable techniques. It was a split mouth study in which a total number of 20. Gingival depigmentation by surgical technique in 1 min. The clinical objective was to remove hypertrophic tissue, expose tooth structure, and remove melanin for a more esthetic smile. Total procedure time, from start to finish, was 20 minutes. Gingival hyperpigmentation is seen as a genetic trait in some populations and is more appropriately termed physiologic or racial gingival pigmentation. Gingival depigmentation is a periodontal aesthetic surgical procedure by which the gingival hyperpigmentation is removed or reduced by a range of techniques. Melanin pigmentation of the gingiva occurs in all ethnicities and is completely benign, but complaints of black gums are common. Gingival hyperpigmentation gives black appearance to the gums which are unaesthetic. Demand for cosmetic therapy of gingival melanin pigmentation is common.
In compliance with fda rules, the patient and staff used special eyeglasses for protection. Gingival depigmentation chattanooga gum hyper pigmentation. One of the most common causes of oral pigmentation is smoker melanosis, a condition associated with the melanocyte stimulation caused by cigarette smoke. Gingival depigmentation can be considered as aperiodontal plastic surgery procedure whereby the gingival hyperpigmentation is removed by.
Gingival melanin hyperpigmentation is caused by several reasons and affects people across ethnicity, race, age, and both gender. Class 4 gingival embrasures and cementoenamel junction not visible during smile. A case report abstractg introduction conclusion references discussion case report legends gingival pigmentation involving maxillary as repigmentation has been shown to occur and ingival hyperpigmentation is well as mandibular arch fig. The patients with gummy smile and hyperpigmentation in anterior gingival region are more concerned esthetically as compared to others. Gingival pigmentation cause, treatment and histological. Gingival health and appearance are the essential components of an attractive smile. Esthetic gingival depigmentation procedures can be performed in such. Case report aesthetic treatment of gingival hyperpigmentation by er. Laser assisted gingival depigmentation is a single step procedure, with fast healing process and sterilization and without necessity of using periodontal dressing.
If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Although this is not associated with any medical symptoms, but those with gummy smile makes the appearance very. Gingival depigmentation procedure using diamond bur. Jul 23, 2015 split mouth gingival depigmentation using blade and diode laser a case report kumara ajeya et al annals of dental research 2011 vol 1 1. The aim of this study was to compare the clinical efficacy of gingival depigmentation procedure with conventional scalpel technique and diode laser application. Recent reports on treatment of gingival melanin pigmentation using cryosurgery and lasers show results in terms of ease of use, acceptance and patient comfort to be far superior to other techniques. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of surgical scraping and electrosurgery on postoperative pain, healing and recurrence of pigmentation.
Pigmentation of gingiva not just has an impact on esthetics but also creates psychological negativity. Anterior esthetic gingival depigmentation and crown lengthening. Comparative evaluation of gingival depigmentation using. Gingival pigmentation is presented as a diffuse deep purplish discoloration or as irregularly shaped brown and light brown or black patches, striae or strands. For depigmentation of gingiva different treatment modalities have been reported like bur abrasion, scalpel method, cryotherapy, electrosurgery and.
Yag laser and cryosurgical procedure of tissue destruction by fast freezing with liquid nitrogen 196. Laser assisted gingival depigmentation is a single step procedure, with fast healing process. This can be a natural occurrence or can result after certain dental procedures. Lasers are presently being used for gingival melanin depigmentation. Depigmentation is not a clinical indication but a treatment of choice where esthetics is a concern and is desired by the patients. Esthetic enhancement made simple and efficient find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. Gingival depigmentation is a periodontal plastic surgical procedure whereby. Topical anesthetic gel was applied to the operational field. An important component of the oral cavity is the color of the gingival tissue. Cryosurgical procedure of depigmentation is complicated by the necessity of providing special containers for liquid nitrogen saving and the requirement for fast 20 30 sec. Three case reports udatta kher, zeenat khan case report abstract melanin pigmentation of the gingiva is a common occurrence.
Comparative evaluation of gingival depigmentation using a. Comparison of efficacy of acellular dermal matrix allograft with free gingival graft for gingival depigmentation. Jul 10, 2017 thakre p, bhongade ml, godge p, jaiswal r. Gingival pigmentation is a major concern for a large number of patients visiting the dentist. The foremost indication for depigmentation therapy is the demand by a person for improved esthetics.
Gingival pigmentation definition of gingival pigmentation. Physiologic gingival pigmentationpgp is the most common type of gingival pigmentation and cosmetic concern particularly in gummy smile patients. For depigmentation of gingival, different treatment modalities have been reported, such as bur abrasion, scraping, partial thickness flap, cryotherapy, electrosurgery, and laser. Methods used to remove the gingival pigmentation advantages and disadvantages of each technique. A healthy 36yearsold female patient complained about unaesthetic gingiva and she had. Gingival depigmentation is a treatment to remove melanin hyperpigmentation of the gingiva and various methods have been used for this procedure with different degrees of success including gingivectomy, gingivectomy with free gingival autografting, electrosurgery, cryosurgery, chemotherapy with 90% phenol and 95% alcohol and abrasion with. Cryosurgical depigmentation of gingiva and its comparison with bur. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of diod laser on the treatment of pgp. Pdf on dec 1, 20, rahul shah and others published gingival depigmentation. Diode laser is a minimally invasive treatment option for the.
Recently, various lasers have been introduced for use in depigmentation 9,10 and laser ablation for gingival depigmentation is recognized as one of the most effective, reliable techniques 1114. However, documented evidence in the literature is extremely limited. The first and foremost indication for depigmentation is the patients demand for improved aesthetics. Unlike hydroquinone, it almost always causes irreversible depigmentation, as it results in death of melanocytes the cells that make skin pigment or melanin. Gingival depigmentation procedure is a type of perioplastic surgery where the gingival epithelium is excised with various techniques to lighten the colour of the gingiva. Tetrafluoroethane was used for the cryosurgical depigmentation and the gingival. Gingival pigmentation occurs in all races of man and it varies from one race to another. Aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry strives to merge function and beauty with the. Gum depigmentation, also known as gum bleaching, is a procedure used in cosmetic dentistry to lighten or remove black spots or patches on the gums consisting of melanin. May 21, 2014 the 810nm diode laser has energy and wavelength characteristics that specially target the soft tissues.
Kumar, santhosh and bhat, subraya g and bhat, mahalinga k 20 comparative evaluation of gingival depigmentation using tetrafluoroethane cryosurgery and gingival abrasion technique. Depigmentation by gingival abrasion, reported by mokem 2006. Gingival depigmentation, melanin, oral pigmentation. Comparison of two different depigmentation techniques for. Materials and methods the study was approved by the ethical committee. Treatment of gingival hyperpigmentation for esthetic purposes by nd. A split mouth randomized clinical comparative study to. The present case report describes the successful management of excessive gingival pigmentation by cryosurgery. Diode laser and surgical blade was used for the depigmentation in. Gingival depigmentation is most often performed as a patient demanded. The gingiva is an important intraoral tissue which when affected particularly by pigmentation is. Yag is effective in depigmentation procedures and can reduce the duration of treatment. Ten systemically healthy patients who were aged 18 to 36 years were selected for the study.
In the present case series, scraping, electrosurgery, and diode laser have been tried for depigmentation, which are simple, effective, and yield good results, along. Pdf on jan 1, 2015, vivek k adlakha and others published gingival depigmentation. The scalpel technique still serves as a gold standard for depigmentation. In the present case series, three techniques were selected for depigmentation, which included scalpel, electrosurgery, and laser. Class 3 gingival embrasures visible only during smile. Melanic pigmentation results from melanin produced by the melanocytes present in the basal layer of the oral epithelium. Laser therapy is an effective and noninvasive treatment option. Melanin in skin is very common in inhabitants in many parts of the world due to genetic factors. Sep 14, 2015 the health and suitability of mouth components play an important role towards defining facial attractiveness. Split mouth deepithelization techniques for gingival depigmentation. We compared the effectiveness of scalpel and laser continue reading. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Patil dental college and hospital, pune, india 2 department of periodontics and oral implantology, saraswati dhanwantari dental college and hospital, parbhani. International journal of applied dental sciences 2018.
A split mouth comparative study between scalpel and cryosurgery. Pdf gingival melanin pigmentation occurs in people of all races. Depigmentation of gingiva using zolar diode laser video. Mar 01, 2012 gingival depigmentation by surgical technique in 1 min. A periodontal plastic surgical procedure called the gingival depigmentation is performed whereby the gingival hyperpigmentation is removed or reduced by various techniques. Yag laser was performed on the right side, and abrasion with a rotary round bur on the opposite side. Depigmentation of gingiva using zolar diode laser video part 3 chinthamani laser dental implant. Cryosurgical treatment of gingival melanin pigmentation. Pdf comparative evaluation of gingival depigmentation using a. Esthetic gingival depigmentation can be performed in such patients with excellent results. Aesthetic depigmentation of gingival smokers melanosis using. Periodontal plastic surgery combining gingival depigmentation and esthetic crown lengthening was performed in a. Gingival hyperpigmentation is a major concern mainly for young female patients visiting the dentist.
Gingival depigmentation is a periodontal plastic surgical procedure wherein the gingival hyperpigmentation is removed or reduced by various techniques. It results from melanin granules, which are produced by melanoblasts. A case report ssv prasad, neeraj agrawal, nr reddy department of periodontics, peoples dental academy, peoples campus bhanpur, bhopal462037. Traditionally, gingival depigmentation has been carried out. Tetrafluoroethane was used for the cryosurgical depigmentation and the gingival abrasion technique used a coarse. A smile expresses a feeling of joy, success, sensuality, affection and. Recent methodologies in gingival depigmentation lasers. Recently, gingival hyperpigmentation caused by excessive melanin pigment deposition has become a major concern for the young population.
Gum bleaching gum depigmentation indian dentist kerala dr varun nambiar. Surgical esthetic correction for gingival pigmentation. Development in techniques for gingival depigmentation an. Depending on the gingival display during smiling, corrective measures may be needed for an esthetic purpose. Management of gingival hyperpigmentation 2 case reports. Gingival depigmentation is a periodontal plastic surgical procedure, whereby the hyperpigmentation is removed or reduced by various techniques.
Four systemically healthy patients who were aged 2128 years were selected for the study and were treated with different gingival depigmentation techniques. Though, it is not a medical problem, many people complain of dark gums as unesthetic. Several treatment modalities have been suggested and presented in the litera. Two patients with melanin pigmentation of gingiva were treated with different gingival depigmentation techniques. Melanin, a nonhemoglobinderived brown pigment, is the most common of the endogenous pigments and is produced by. Case report aesthetic treatment of gingival hyperpigmentation. Management of gingival hyperpigmentationq u i n n using.
Gingival depigmentation by diode laser full text view. Health, general gingiva physiological aspects gums pigmentation disorders care and treatment causes of. Different treatment modalities have been reported for depigmentation of gingiva such as bur abrasion, scraping, partial thickness flap, cryotherapy, electrosurgery and laser. Gingival depigmentation by free gingival autograft. The patient asked about lightening her dark gingiva and was treated with a 6tooth gingivectomy and gingival depigmentation. The 4 brothers who were nearly starved to death by their parents the oprah winfrey show own duration. For depigmentation of gingival, different treatment modalities have been reported, such as scalpel, cryosurgery, electrosurgery, lasers, etc. The present cases showed that laser therapy combining er.
Melanin pigmentation in skin, oral mucosa, inner ear and other organs is a detoxification mechanism. Treatment of severe physiologic gingival pigmentation with free gingival autograft. Pigmented gingiva a thorough examination of the gingiva includes evaluation of color, size, shape form or contour, consistency, surface texture, position of the gingival margin and junctional epithelium, mucogingival junctions, bleeding and exudate. Lasers combine the advantages of rapid healing of the scalpel surgery and the. Gingival depigmentation using surgical excision technique. Figure 1 from split mouth gingival depigmentation using. An insight into gingival depigmentation techniques. Esthetic enhancement made simple and efficient find, read and. Treatment of severe physiologic gingi val pigmentation with free gingival autograft. Gingival depigmentation cosmetic gum treatment in chattanooga. Removing gingival margin by gingivectomy or entire attach gingiva by push back procedure can also be used but this can lead to alveolar bone loss, prolonged healing by secondary intention, excessive pain and discomfort caused by exposure and denudation of underlying bone. This paper aims to illustrate the use of a carbon dioxide laser in the removal of the gingival melanic pigmentation for.
A novel cryosurgical technique for gingival depigmentation. Repigmentation variably occurs with different treatment methods in patients with gingival pigmentation. Lasers have become widely used in medicine and surgery since the development of the ruby laser by maiman in 1960. Nov 12, 20 gingival depigmentation procedure using diamond bur. A split mouth comparative study between scalpel and cryosurgery kaustubh p patil 1, vaibhav joshi 2, vijay waghmode 1, vinayak kanakdande 1 1 department of periodontics and oral implantology, dr. International journal of applied dental sciences c. It is the only depigmentation treatment for extensive vitiligo that has been approved by the fda food and drug agency, united states of america. Today,sparse studies have been published assessing physiologic gingival pigmentation using diode laser,therefore the aim of this study was to. Gingival hyperpigmentation is removed by using different procedures of gingival depigmentation. Consequently, multiple depigmentation techniques have been employed, including bur abrasion, surgical scraping, and electro surgery 68. Therefore this study was designed to test the efficacy of newly introduced cryogen, 1112 tetraflouroethane for the treatment of gingival melanin hyperpigmentation. It has an affinity for hemoglobin and melanin, so it is an excellent soft tissue laser and is applicated for cutting and coagulating gingival tissue.
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